About Alice + Grace

First things first: our names are neither Alice nor Grace. In everyday life, we are known as Rachel and Alex, but due to the strange process of middle-naming (thanks, Mom and Dad!) we have these second monikers. Rachel's is "Alice" and Alex's is "Grace." We mainly chose not to use our first names for our blog because they sounded "less roll-off-the-tongue-able." 

Now for all the other things. We decided to create this blog as a place to store our random musings, fan-girling, lifestyle-blog aspirations, and friendship. Most of this was brought on during a fit of nostalgia over Rachel's impending move off to college. Some of it was due to our strange blog-coding fascination. A little was certainly due to our desire to look back on this when we are grannies and laugh. 

You'll certainly get to know us better through our own posts than through this introduction. Yet, there is something to be said for first-introductions. In that spirit, here is a list of some of the things we are:

- lit addicts
- perfectionists
- netflixers
- christians
- thrift-storers
- watchers of plays
- connoisseurs of tea
- sometime pinterest-addicts
- apush-ers
- sort-of sisters


Alice + Grace

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