Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Welcome: Part Grace

Hey, I'm Grace.

Do me a favor - this works a lot better with ambiance. Click this and turn it down to the point where it's tasteful background music. Imagine you have a nonfat half-calf soy venti Oprah mocha chai latte with an extra shot in front of you, and I'm across the table. That's better, isn't it?

Nice to meet you. Welcome to our blog. I hope you feel nice and cozy. We chose the color palette (palate? pellate? pilates?) with great care, based on psychological research on which colors are the most soothing and warm, because that's...pretty much how we roll here.

Who's we?

Alice + Grace. There's a lot of ways to describe us. I think the most fitting would be the straight-man and goofball comedy archetype - where one guy acts like a doofus and the other stands nearby and makes rational, witty comments to further highlight the first guy's doofusivity. I'm sure it's not hard to to guess which one I am.

As different as we are, Alice and I are the exact same person. We're two different puzzle pieces, but still the puzzle, if that makes any sense whatsoever. We both love snagging cute things for cheap and looking at places on Pinterest we'll never go. We love soul-moving quotes, disturbing movies, and cool patterns on shorts. We love old books, aspire to write kind of okay-ly, and genuinely enjoy logic puzzles.

So you can imagine how excited I was when I met this cool chick. She's exhausted the extent of our meetings and subsequent friendship forays in her own welcome post, so I won't reiterate. I'll sum up my own feelings in a T-Swizzle quote: "I was enchanted to meet you." Unfortunately, she's leaving (sob) in a few short months to become a responsible adult, while I still have a year to go. So to keep in touch - and to document these next couple months together - we're gonna go where too many have gone before.

We're gonna start a blog.

It'll document the craziness, the hilarity, the Jackson Pollock painting that is our friendship. We've got so many cool ideas planned for future segments. If you've found us, I hope you stick with us. It's roller coaster time.

You can turn off the smooth jazz now.*



*But you really shouldn't, because smooth jazz rocks. No pun intended.

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